Article & News

Protect Your Principal

Create an Income Stream You Cannot Outlive Depending on your time horizon, age, investment sophistication, and investment objectives; an Indexed Annuity might be the right

Savers vs Investors

A saver is someone who does not and usually cannot accept risk. This can be because of age or upbringing. This could because of a

Financial Goal Setting – YouTube Channel

I will be starting a YouTube Channel in the next week about financial planning. I will be discussing all financial aspects (planning, life insurance, annuities,

Social Security – Living on Less

There’s no simple answer. But to maintain your standard of living, you won’t need as much as you currently earn. You will pay less tax

Social Security – The Power of Patience

The later you claim Social Security, the higher your monthly benefit. As you approach retirement, how long you work and when you claim will usually